Friday, December 30, 2011

In 2012 I Will. . .

☐ Meet a person who will genuinely make me happy
☐ Be more productive
☐ Take care of myself
☐ Be honest
☐ Be more patient; learn how to wait
☐ Write more
☐ Be inspired and inspire someone
☐ Reconcile with a friend
☐ Cry over something ridiculous
☐ Be optimistic and less pessimistic
☐ Fail and learn
☐ Learn how to choose from the real ones from the fake ones
☐ Not fall in love

I just thought it would be fun if I make one since I've never made one. Plus, it would get me preoccupied and being the said thought, is just something I might need in 2012. At the end of the year, I would go back to this post and check what it was like a year before; if I got what I needed and wanted. I hope that this year would be a whole lot different from last year. I just want it to be different; it's my turn to be happy. I guess it's time to let go of the past and focus more in what's happening now. Anyway, a very happy new year to whoever reading this!!